Where to buy fake shoes? There are quite a few replicas selling vendors online where you can get the shoes while saving up to 75% form their original price. Some websites slash the already huge prices of merchandise down even further, so a $200 pair of Nike Air Jordans can be had for only $50 from them. Several imitation shoe websites focus on offering “1:1 quality,” that is, a product as close to the original in terms of stitching and material. Some favourite companies are BRD Merch, who offer high-quality replicas that look and feel very near designer branding.
A 2019 report says the global counterfeit footwear market was valued at $135 billion, confirming that shoes are some of the most commonly counterfeited goods worldwide. It is no surprise that Adidas, Nike and Balenciaga imitations are among the most faked out there, often right down to the logo and box. Although they may be a lot more affordable, fake shoes tend to have a shorter lifespan – the materials used on them are usually not as durable compared to fast retailing legitimate products. Under normal usage, a fake pair may last for 6-12 months before showing any signs of wear and tear because on an average a genuine pair can be used up to 18-24 months.
This quality is summarized by rapper, fashion designer Kanye West — head of the counterfeit magnet, Yeezy — in his statement that “Fashion is simply an extension of self-expression,” which explains why there still exists a market for AAA replica shoes. They are concerning with the appearance and style of high-end shoes, not in their authenticity or durability.
There are tons of sites like fake shoes that sell knockoffs for a fraction of the price from all over the world. Replacing nearly $200 from one or a few less important items is tempting in the short term, but there’s something to be said for sticking with AX and not risking quality. However, imitation shoe markets remain in full swing for low-budget fashionistas desperate for the aesthetic look at designer appeal if not the price.